A Message From The City-Parish Planning Commission

Planning Commission Meeting On

Monday, July 20, 2020

Dear Members,

Please see the message below from Ryan L. Holcomb, AICP, Interim Planning Director for the City-Parish Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission meeting on Monday, July 20, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. will be held via video conference and in a manner that allows for observation and input by members of the public, as set forth:https://la-batonrouge.civicplus.com/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_07202020-793 posted on July 9, 2020. The meeting will be available for public viewing on www.brla.gov,on Metro21 (Cox Channel 21), AT&T U-verse (Channel 99), and on the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge Facebook page (via Facebook Live). 

The agenda and case information can be found online here:https://labatonrouge.civicplus.com/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_07202020-793

Also, case information can be found within the LDAST Tool:http://ebrgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=3dbad2d4a51045f5895078cd5858ebce

Our staff notes can be found online here:https://la


Public comments on any of the items on the agenda may be submitted via email to planning@brla.gov, submitted via the online public comment form:https://www.brla.gov/FormCenter/Planning-Commission-26/Planning-Commission-Public-Comment-Form-160, called into 225-389-3144, or sent by mail to: 1100 Laurel Street, Suite 104 Baton Rouge, LA 70802.

Pursuant to Section 4 of JBE 2020-30, the Planning Commission for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge will only conduct essential government business, on July 20, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. via video conference. The items appearing on the agenda have been deemed essential for the continued conduct of business by City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge. Considering the foregoing, and in accordance with Proclamation Numbers JBE 2020-30 and JBE 2020-33.