UDC Chapters 8 and 9, Zoning Districts

Dear Members,

Attached please find draft versions of UDC Chapters 8, Zoning Districts, and 9, Uses for your review. Given the size of these revisions, we want to give you at least 30 days (or until April 3) to provide comments. The major changes include:

Chapter 8 – this is sent as clean version and a redline since it is difficult to follow in the redline

  • Unused zoning districts (e.g., H, RE/A2) are eliminated

  • Seldom used zoning districts (e.g. CW2, GU) are made inactive

  • A4 is returned as an active zoning district; we have had several requests to use this district in recent months

  • A5 is made inactive since it is only available in the Downtown Character Area where C5 does the same thing

  • Landscaped parking consistent with the requirements of standard zoning districts is added as a requirement in planned developments

  • Open space consistent with the requirements of those used Downtown is added to ISPUDs

Chapter 9 – this is sent only as a redline

  • Uses in all zoning districts examined for consistency

  • Uses allowed in NCAB, CAB-1, and CAB-2 reduced due to Councilmember concerns about the extent of CAB zoning in the Parish

  • Uses eliminated in zoning districts where Chapter 4 requires rezoning to permit the use

Please provide comments to Ryan at rholcomb@brla.gov no later than the close of business on April 3, 2020.